
Pilot activity grants refer to projects that

  • address young people’s needs or challenges at a local level.
  • contribute to the priorities of the youth sector of the Council of Europe
  • are based on innovation, either in terms of methodology for the target group and/or the organisation and the context, or on replication of good practice
  • have a clear youth dimension and contribute to youth participation
  • have a clear local impact
  • follow the basic principles of youth work, non-formal education and intercultural dialogue
  • contribute to social cohesion, by combating exclusion and the prevention of phenomena specifically affecting young people
  • help young people, particularly disadvantaged young people, to find ways of meeting both the challenges facing them and their own aspirations. 

Pilot activities are flexible in their format and may utilise a range of approaches, such as youth meetings, capacity building sessions, awareness raising actions, meetings with experts, local workshops, local actions, visits, campaigns, workshops in schools, festivals etc.  

The maximum duration of a pilot activity project can be up to one year. The project must start at least 3 months after the deadline. 

 Grant amount

The maximum grant for a Pilot Activity is €15 000. The EYF can cover the all real costs of the activity up to this amount. The EYF will initiate the payment of the first instalment – 80% of the grant awarded – approximately 4 weeks before the start of your activity. However, it can take up to 4 weeks until the money arrives into your bank account. The remaining 20% will be paid upon receipt and approval of the final report (check the Reporting page).

 What costs are covered by the grant? Budget and financial management

Check the page on budget and financial management for specific information on this. 

 Who can apply?

Only organisations registered with the EYF as one of the following categories can apply for this grant: 

If an interested organisation is not yet registered with the EYF, please register as soon as possible. More information can be found here.

 When to apply?

The deadlines for EYF supported pilot activities starting in 2024 are:

  1. 15 January 2024
  2. 15 May 2024

All the projects must start in 2024. 

 How to apply?

Every NGO interested in applying to the European Youth Foundation has to be registered with us (see additional information on Registration) and go through the application process.

Word versions of the application form for pilot activities can be found here. The applications can only be submitted by organisations registered with the EYF using the EYF online granting system,


 Common characteristics of all EYF-supported projects and examples of supported projects

Learn more about the characteristics of EYF-funded projects and check examples of projects supported at the dedicated page.